stacy williams bus crime photos

Muhammad Afzal
2 min readMar 31, 2021


Stacy Wilson Bus Crime Scene Photos Stacy Willis Bus Crime Scene Photos — Tears, stun, shouts, and accident that happens in the Leeward Bus Terminal on Monday when many Vincentians saw one of the most horrifying and harsh acts, up to at that point, seen uniquely with sickening apprehension motion pictures and Al Qaeda execution recordings on the Internet.

Body portions of 21-year-old Vermont inhabitant, Stacy Wilson, were cut off and spread everywhere throughout the Terminal as her life was stopped by a cutlass using a man by the name of Shorn Samuel who additionally passes by the moniker “Muslim Islamaam” and “Abdul Rahim/.

Stacy Wilson Bus Crime Scene Photos Stacy Willis Bus Crime Scene Photos

Wilson’s executed head laid roughly 15 feet from her disfigured body and her left hand another 20 feet away.

A few people who saw the full incident and laid a searchlight to the correspondent to know him what actually took place.

One shocked individual said that Wilson was strolling towards the terminal disregarding the man who was strolling behind attempting to converse with her.

She got into the transport and sat down. Stacy Wilson Bus Crime Scene Photos Stacy Willis Bus Crime Scene Photos

Someone else on the scene revealed to searchlight that Wilson was situated in the traveler van “Revive” that handles the Penniston course as Samuel remained by the conductor’s entryway contending with her. He at that point left and returned equipped with a cutlass and started his fatal attack on Wilson’s modest casing.

She hopped through one of the windows and attempted to escape for dear life yet the more grounded and quicker man got her and hacked her correct hand off at the wrist.

“At the point when she tumbled to the ground he slashed her in her neck and began sawing it off,” said the flimsy observer.

Police showed up on the scene however at this point the harm had just been finished. Reports heard that Samuel put his lethal cutlass on the ground, bowed, and set his hand on his head.

Not giving the slightest bit of blame he saluted the group as if he had quite recently sufficiently achieved an assignment before being whisked away by police. Stacy Wilson Bus Crime Scene Photos Stacy Willis Bus Crime Scene Photos

Stacy Wilson should now be emanating wonderful grins on the South Leeward people group of Vermont in appreciation to people who turned out in their numbers to offer their last feelings of appreciation to the killed young lady at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Vermont on Tuesday.

The sight was simply an excessive amount to manage for some as they watched Stacy lie calmly in her casket following awful occasions last Monday that took her life.



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